Why Train with Bands?


Why do I train my clients with “bands?”

At the IPF facility we have some kettle bells, weighted medicine balls, some small dumbbells and a battle rope or challenge rope.  However, I use many different types of resistance bands to train my clients for real life movement.  I use flat continuous loop bands, stackable tube bands, handled resistance bands and flat bands.

We train for functional fitness using both attachment-free and anchor-point band training.  Bands also allow us to train in all three planes of motion: side-to-side, front-to-back, and rotation.

We train movements before muscles!  We also believe that mobility is critical to our clients’ continued health and longevity.  Therefore we are continually trying to train you for mobility and balance – stand up, stay up fitness!

Lastly, bands are safer and eliminate injury for the mature client.  Bands are joint friendly and allow you to work out harder and not be stiff with joint pain.  Bands also allow us to build “core stabilization” for a strong body and keep our spine in good shape!

Here are some of the exercises that you may do:

3rd Age Fitness…

Is based upon the idea that we will be lucky enough to get an additional 30 years of life due to all of our technology and medical advancements.  I am trying to make my 60 the new 40 and the same for my other clients.  Can your 55 be the new 35, and your 80 the new 60?
